Why You Need to Take a Closer Look at Substance Misuse in Older Adults

An older man, one of many impacted by substance misuse in older adults, stares sadly into his glass of whiskey.

Your dad has always enjoyed a glass of wine or two with dinner, but lately, you’ve observed a shift. He’s begun turning to stronger drinks, earlier in the day, and more frequently. He claims it’s to help him sleep better or to ease the discomfort of his arthritis. Should this be something you’re worried about?

Substance misuse in older adults is more prevalent than many realize, and it can pose serious risks if left unaddressed. The signs can often be mistaken for normal aging or other health issues, which makes it easier for the problem to go unnoticed. Misuse can involve alcohol, prescription medications, or even over-the-counter drugs. Recognizing the signs and understanding the risks are crucial first steps in addressing the situation.

Indicators of Substance Misuse in Older Adults

Watch for any of these warning signs that may indicate substance misuse in an aging loved one:

  • Disrupted sleep patterns
  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Unexplained bruises or falls
  • Mood changes or increased irritability
  • Neglecting personal care
  • Confusion or memory lapses

Steps to Take if You Suspect Substance Misuse

First, it’s important to educate yourself about the dangers and effects of substance misuse in older adults. With a better understanding of the risks, you can then approach the subject with your loved one. Empathy is essential here; they may feel embarrassed or defensive. It’s important to approach the conversation from a place of care and concern, rather than judgment.

Tips for a Compassionate Conversation:

  • Pick a quiet, private place to talk.
  • Use “I” statements, like, “I’ve noticed you seem more tired recently, and I’m concerned.”
  • Listen attentively, showing that you respect their feelings and thoughts.
  • Steer clear of accusations or presumptions.

Important Points to Cover:

  • The potential interactions between alcohol or drugs and prescribed medications.
  • How aging affects sensitivity to substances.
  • The long-term health implications of substance use.

Fostering Open Communication

Encouraging the person to open up about their substance use may be challenging, but it’s a vital part of finding a resolution. Reassure them that it’s okay to talk about what they’re going through and that you’re there to help.

Strategies to Promote Open Dialogue:

  • Ask open-ended questions like, “How have you been feeling lately?” or “Can you walk me through your daily routine?”
  • Be patient and give them space to respond.
  • Reinforce that seeking help is a sign of strength.

Providing Support and Exploring Solutions

Once they acknowledge the issue, offer your support and explore possible solutions together. This might involve professional help, like counseling or support groups, or simply making adjustments to their daily habits.

Ways to Provide Support:

  • Assist in finding a healthcare professional who specializes in substance misuse in older adults.
  • Recommend joining a support group for people facing similar challenges.
  • Offer to go with them to appointments or meetings for moral support.

Continuing the Conversation

Discussing substance misuse is not a one-time event. It’s important to follow up with the person regularly to monitor their progress and continue offering your support. Celebrate their achievements and be there for them when challenges arise.

Effective Follow-Up Tips:

  • Set up regular check-ins, whether in person or by phone.
  • Keep an eye on any changes in their health or behavior.
  • Continue to offer emotional support and practical help as needed.

Let Compassionate Care Home Health Services Be Your Partner

We’re here to help both you and your loved one navigate the challenges of substance misuse. Reach out to us at 877.308.1212 to learn more about our in-home care services in Saginaw, Traverse City, Cadillac, and throughout Central and Northern Michigan.

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