Minimize Stress and Maximize Health with These Diabetes Care Management Tips

Diabetes monitoring tools

From morning to evening, every day in the life of someone with diabetes is overloaded with a variety of necessary tasks to help with the disease. Between medications, injections of insulin, blood sugar checks, physical exercise, and managing dietary requirements, it’s common for diabetics to end up feeling overwhelmed.

Compassionate Care Home Health Services’ in-home senior care professionals fully grasp the challenges and struggles of diabetes care management, and offer the ideas below to help minimize stress and stay in ideal health:

  • Remember, nobody is perfect. Good diabetes care doesn’t require being perfect with care each day. Some days will just be better than others and it is crucial to be forgiving for an occasional glucose fluctuation and then learn from mistakes made along the way.
  • Identify care barriers. Barriers to diabetic care management might include:
    • Requiring additional information/education on the most effective diabetes care
    • Steering clear of situations that could disrupt a care schedule
    • Excuses to conquer relating to getting sufficient exercise
    • Eating choices that might be driven more by feelings than hunger
    • Depression or other mental health concerns
  • Remain upbeat. Throughout everything, a positive outlook can go a long way. Instead of thinking, “I’ll never be able to handle my diabetes—I might as well plan on having health problems,” try thinking instead, “I didn’t pay close enough attention to my portion sizes at dinnertime; that’s why my blood sugar is too high. I am going to plan ahead and keep food portions in line with my nutrition plan or cover with additional insulin if I consume more than I intended.”
  • Accept assistance. Family members, friends and coworkers very often provide a great shoulder to lean on. Simply let them know what is beneficial and what to watch for. In-home care is also an excellent resource for diabetic care support and encouragement.

For further helpful recommendations on alleviating the stress of managing diabetes, email or call Compassionate Care Home Health Services at 877.308.1212. Our caring and highly skilled elder care team is on hand to plan and prepare healthy and appetizing meals, pick up prescriptions, provide transportation and accompaniment to doctors’ appointments, and much more. We’re on hand to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year based on each person’s individual preferences and schedule. Providing senior care in Traverse City and nearby areas, we look forward to making life easier and more enjoyable for you and the older adults you care about!

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